<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <% Option Explicit %> <% dim bob, forma, blair, blair1, blair2, blair3, blair4 %> <% dim varD %> Ayrshire's Blair Atholl 2006 Contingent.
Blair Atholl Jamborette 2006
Ayrshire Contingent

These pages will contain details for the Ayrshire Contingent who will attend the Camp which is held in the grounds of Blair Castle, Blair Atholl, Perthshire during July 2006.

<% blair = datediff("ww", date(), #7/17/06#, 2) %> <% blair1 = datediff("d", date(), #7/17/06#, 2 ) %> <% blair2 = datediff("d", date(), #7/28/06#, 2 ) %> <% blair3 = datediff("d", date(), #9/11/05#, 2 ) %> <% blair4 = datediff("d", date(), #6/16/06#, 2 ) %> <% if blair => 8 then response.write "
There are just " & blair &" weeks before Blair Atholl 2006
" else if ((blair < 8) and (blair1 < 56) and (blair1 >1)) then response.write "
There are " & blair1 &" days before Blair Atholl 2006
" else if ((blair < 8) and (blair1 = 1)) then response.write "
There is " & blair1 &" day before Blair Atholl 2006
" else if ((blair1 < 1) and (blair2 <12) and (blair2 >0))then response.write "
There are "& blair2 &" days of Blair Atholl 2006 left
" else if (blair2 <0) then response.write "
It's over for 2 years

 Offical Blair Atholl Web site

Blair Atholl Information and Newsletters.
Blair 2004 pictures

Selection Camp Pictures

Training Camp Pictures

The Ayrshire Scouts at Blair

The camp is held every two years, this being the 30th camp since it was started back in 1946. This year it is anticipated that there will be over 850 Scouts from all over the world, along with 350 leaders. In 2006 Scouts will come from Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, and USA - a truly International event.

Of those 850 Scouts, half will be Scottish. Each Scottish Patrol will camp with an overseas Patrol, the Scottish Patrol, providing all the tentage and equipment for themselves and their guests.

More information will be added to these pages as and when it becomes available, as well as numerous pictures as the contingent takes shape.

The Jamborette has it's own web site at Blair Atholl Jamborette where one can read about the history of the event and how the camp is set up, as well as details of the activities which were available in 2004.