Blair Atholl Jamborette 2008
Ayrshire Selection Camp

Ayrshire Area held their Selection Camp in mid September, with 25 applications having been received.

Two ensure an impartial selection for the camp, Ayrshire invited Dumfries Area to send a team in to running the week-end. We are indebted to Keith and his team for the preparation and provision of materials which they brought with them for the week-end. The youngsters thoroughly enjoyed the week-end - it is just unfortunate that not all of those that took part will be able to attend Blair Atholl in 2008.

Saturday was a reasonable day, with the odd shower. The 25 youngsters were splt into patrols in so that, where ever possible they were with a pal, so they new somebody in the patrol to make things a bit easier.

The first task was obviously to pitch their own personal tents for the Saturday night and then each patrol was given a patrol tent to pitch and build a basic camp site - which gave them the opportunity to work together as a team.

Then Keith had a series of challenges for each patrol, some to be carried out by the individuals and others by patrol effort - these to be carried out over the week-end. The Patrols earned 'Ayrshire Atholls' by presenting the result of each challenge and they could 'purchase' or 'hire' materialm, using the Atholls, to earn more Atholls by completing more challenges.

Later in the afternoon some games which provide entertaining as can be seen in the photo gallery.

Dinner was cooked by patrols and the leader team ate with the patrols and the evening finished with a camp fire.

Sunday was a different situation - it rained all night and by breakfast time the site was well and truly waterlogged and the patrols had quite a task to get fires lit to cook breakfast, but they managed albeit a bit later that planned. The morning continued with a blind trail in the rain before striking camp and lunch in the marquee where soup and sandwiches were available before heading for home.


photo gallery - Click on thumbnail for larger picture.


Unfortunately not all the participants will have the opportunity to attend Blair Atholl next year but all participants will be notified by the end of September as to whether they have been lucky or not.